(Many disclaimers belong here, including, but not limited to: this probably applies differently or not at all in organizations without formal ladders and review processes; most and perhaps all of the early-career women I’ve coached on this have been white, and many but not all have been from non-traditional backgrounds; it is OK if you don’t want to climb a ladder; some companies are evil, some managers are bad, and also the patriarchy; “the business,” at the end of the day, is nameless faceless capitalism; and finally, this may read as harsh in parts but I’ve found that many people appreciate and benefit from the directness.)
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Eng ladders, promotions & glue work
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(Many disclaimers belong here, including, but not limited to: this probably applies differently or not at all in organizations without formal ladders and review processes; most and perhaps all of the early-career women I’ve coached on this have been white, and many but not all have been from non-traditional backgrounds; it is OK if you don’t want to climb a ladder; some companies are evil, some managers are bad, and also the patriarchy; “the business,” at the end of the day, is nameless faceless capitalism; and finally, this may read as harsh in parts but I’ve found that many people appreciate and benefit from the directness.)